Despite the notorious name and the story of how this name came about, spaghetti puttanesca is a great Italian pasta dish that is easy to make.
1 lb. package of spaghetti (or linguine),
3 tbsp. EV olive oil,
1/4 cup sliced red onion,
3 garlic cloves, chopped,
5 anchovy fillets,
4 ripe plum tomatoes,
1 sprig of fresh basil,
1 teaspoon sweet paprika,
1 tbsp. capers from a jar,
1/4 cup Kalamata olives,
chili flakes to taste,
freshly grated Parmesan cheese to taste,
salt and pepper to taste.
Recipe: Boil the spaghetti in a large pot of water and a teaspoon of salt until ‘al dente’. Heat the olive oil in a large, heavy pan and saute the onions and garlic for 3 minutes. Add the anchovies, chili flakes, diced tomatoes, paprika, chopped basil and capers. Stir well, then reduce heat to medium and cook for about 5 minutes more. Add the olives, and cook just until heated. Season the putanesca sauce to taste. Strain the boiled spaghetti and toss them in the pan with the sauce. Serve the Spaghetti Puttanesca and sprinkle with some chopped basil and Parmesan cheese. This recipe yields 3 dinner entrees.