Tag Archives: tapioca

Chocolate Tapioca Dessert

Chocolate Tapioca Dessert

Chocolate Tapioca Dessert is an easy and natural dessert, containing no artificial flavors, colors or sweeteners. I do it a little differently, using one un-traditional ingredient in place of the tapioca pearls, but I think my way of cooking it is better and healthier.


3 Heaping Tablespoons Tapioca Flour

1/4 cup Couscous

1 L 2% Milk

4 Tablespoons Brown Sugar

1/2 cup water

1 large pinch of salt

1 teaspoon Vanilla Extract

1 teaspoon Cacao powder

2 Eggs

Optional for Decoration: Coconut Flakes and Strawberry


1. Pour the milk into a saucapan with a thick, heavy bottom. Add the sugar, salt, vanilla extract and couscous.

2. Bring the milk to a gentle simmer while stirring with a whisk from time to time. When the milk just starts simmering, remove the saucepan from the stove.

3. In the meantime, whisk the eggs in a bowl for 1 minute.

4. To temper the eggs, add some of the hot milk slowly and gently to the eggs while whisking vigorously.

5. Now add the egg and milk mixture to the saucepan with the rest of the hot milk while againg whisking vigorously. Add the cacao powder.

6. Mix the tapioca flower with the water and add it slowly to the hot milk mixture while whisking.

7. Return the saucepan with the tapioca to the stove and bring to a boil while whisking constantly.

8. The tapioca should thicken a bit, but not really thick. It will thicken a bit more after it’s cooled down.

9. Portion the tapioca dessert in dessert cups, sprinkle with coconut flakes (if using) and let it cool down in the fridge.

10. After cooling down the tapioca, decorate with strawberry and serve. The tapioca dessert can be serves, both, hot and cold. I find it very tasty and pleasant both ways.