Tag Archives: springroll

Springroll Sushi Rolls with Rice Paper

Springroll sushi rolls
Springroll Sushi Rolls


4 cups cooked sushi rice, follow my sushi rice recipe here,
7 rice papers,
10 crab sticks,
1 mango, peeled and sliced thinly,
2 avocados, pitted, peeled and sliced,
shredded carrot,
1 cup cucumber sticks,
1/2 oz. toasted sesame seeds, mix of black and regular color sesame seeds;
1 sushi mat and plastic wrap.


  1. Place one rice paper on a larger plate and run hot water over it slowly until the rice paper is very soft.
  2. Spread a layer of sushi rice over the rice paper, leaving just 1-inch on both sides uncovered.
  3. Place some of the ingredients in the center of the rice.
  4. Fold both sides of the spring roll over the ingredients.
  5. Now remove the spring roll from the plate and place it on sushi mat that have been wrapped with cling wrap in order to prevent sticking. Using the mat work the spring roll into an evenly-shaped sushi roll.
  6. Sprinkle some sesame seeds over the spring sushi roll and let it sit in a plate until you finish rolling the rest of them.
  7. Cut each spring roll in the middle and serve with some sweet soy sauce or a sauce of your choice.