

Smoked salmon sushi roll

Ingredients for each sushi:

2 thin slices of smoked salmon;
1 handfull of prepared sushi rice (the recipe is on the page if you follow the link);
1 sheet of nori (toasted seaweed);
assorted vegetables such as sprouts, avocado, blanched asparagus, cucumber, shredded carrot;
cream cheese or tempura shrimp for inside the sushi roll;
sushi mat wrapped with cling wrap.

Recipe: The purpose of this page is to show you the best way to use smoked salmon in a sushi roll. The most visually appealing and tasty way to use smoked salmon in a sushi roll is on the outside. I have tried it many times as an ingredient inside sushi rolls, but it is quite overpowering for the other ingredients. If the smoked salmon is on the outside, then you can taste the rest of the fresh ingredients inside the roll. It is something like a flavor explosion in your mouth. For a smoked salmon sushi roll you would need to prepare first an inside-out roll and then wrap it with the smoked salmon and cut it to 8 or 10 pieces. For some basic instructions how to make sushi rolls visit my Sushi Recipes page. Suggested combination for the ingredients inside the smoked salmon sushi roll are (1) Tempura shrimp, red pepper, mango, avocado; (2) Cream cheese, cucumbers, sprouts; (3) Cucumber, red peppers, crab, asparagus. The names are Hawaiian, Philadelphia and Alaska Rolls.

Chef George Krumov
About the author: George Krumov is a Red Seal certified chef with many years of culinary experience working around the world in Europe, the Middle East, the cruise line industry and North America. In the last two decades he has headed the kitchens of several restaurants in Canada, and ran his own restaurant.

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