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Red Chile Chipotle Salsa Recipe


4 red chipotle chiles;
1 tablespoon olive oil;
1 medium onion, chopped;
1/2 cup chopped red bell pepper;
2 large fresh tomatoes, peeled and diced;
1 tsp. fresh oregano;
1 pinch ground cumin;
salt and pepper to taste,
1 cup boiling water.


Combine chiles and boiling water, and let soak for 30 minutes. Remove stems and seeds from chiles, and chop. In a heavy stainless-steel saucepan, heat the oil and saute the onion, sweet pepper, and chipoltes until onion is slightly tender, about 2 minutes. Add the chiles, soaking water, tomatoes and oregano and remove from heat. Process briefly with a stick blender until ingredients are well mixed, but still chunky. Bring to a boil and remove immediately from heat. Use for B-b-q meats or mix with sour cream to create a dip.

Chef George Krumov
About the author: George Krumov is a Red Seal certified chef with many years of culinary experience working around the world in Europe, the Middle East, the cruise line industry and North America. In the last two decades he has headed the kitchens of several restaurants in Canada, and ran his own restaurant.

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